A versatile and effortlessly easy pull-on piece that's ideal for any casual occasion, this soft piece is a perfect day-to-day choice for layering up in something simple. It's no-nonsense comfort that reliably matches any kind of lounging look, and the Organic Cotton Essential Logo crew sweatshirt features the iconic Superdry logo for a subtle, stylish finish.
Made using a blend of organic cotton and recycled polyester.
Organic cotton is grown using natural rather than chemical pesticides and fertilisers. The healthier soil this creates uses significantly less water which is better for our planet and for the farmers who grow it.
We use recycled materials from a number of sources to make our garments, giving discarded materials a new purpose, saving waste, and reducing the amount of carbon emitted in this garment’s production compared to conventional alternatives.
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Produsert av DKH Retail Ltd, Unit 60, GL51 9NW, UK
Produsert i EU av Supergroup Europe BVBA, 1702 Dilbeek, Belgium
Elektronisk kontaktadresse: care@superdry.com